so several months ago... around 3am... i was on the phone with victor talking smack about something.... and i was also taking the trash out... i lift the lid to my garbage bin thing... and out of the corner of my eye, i saw something white run from 12 o'clock to around 4 o'clock of my view. it freaked the shite out of me.
seriously... i hate going outside at night when it isn't lit properly... i've seen house of wax way too many times (and by that, i mean, one time).
anyways... the white thing ran past where i parked my car so i went over to see what it was... and it was a rabbit! A GIANT RABBIT.
and then continuously for one month, i would see the rabbit almost every night nibbling on my yummie grass. ana and i tried to feed it lettuce but to no avail. it totally kept its distance.
i originally called it ester... as in the ester bunny. but ana said no... and i really didn't like the name anyways... it was just convenient. so we started calling it bunny.
after one month, i was able to touch it once and phillip touched it twice. and then, one night, as we pulled into the driveway... we noticed that bunny had brought over a friend! a brown bunny! i immediately called that one vincent gallo. (and right now, i've decided to call the white bunny chloë. remember when chloë said this: "I'm Chloë, not Chloé.")
and then.... we never saw them again. for months........ i hypothesized that it was sorta springtime-ish and it's probably having babies. another possibility was that it was eaten by a cat... but the rabbit is HUGE.
and every couple of days... i would look around for it... but failure was all i saw.
and then one day, while pulling up to my driveway... we saw the bunny again!
and then we didn't see it for another couple of days....
but on monday... we found the bunny lounging around underneath our patio chairs and table. so of course, ana got excited and took out a carrot (yeah, we're that stereotypical... is that like saying "i'm not a racist, my best friend's black." and of course i proceeded to photograph it.
so it's been here since monday... and i hope bunny never leaves. in the evening, sometimes, it just lounges next to my lavendar bush on the front yard... like it's a guard dog... and then moseys on over to the back and eats grass.
i hope the opposums and cats don't get it. i love my bunnies! nature's lawnmower.
oh, i fed it plums yesterday and it totally ate them up! :)
oh... yeah.. one of the neighbors got a new dog i think... that thing BARKS ALL DAY LONG! like, seriously... ALL DAY AND NIGHT LONG.....
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