Saturday, May 10, 2008

quickie movie reviews

speed racer

phillip and i went to go see speed racer last night.

it was an insane visual mindfuck.

we both enjoyed it. i think i probably enjoyed it more cause it was just COLOR COLOR COLOR. it was awesome. i absolutely loved it.

i didn't know anything about the cartoon so i didn't know the characters or the plot. everything in the movie is fake. it doesn't try to be realistic like the matrix trilogy. i definitely think it was shot all on a sound stage, like sky captain.

i definitely recommend watching speed racer... and if you really want to enjoy it, get high first.

capturing the friedmans

this documentary is INSANE. i remember hearing about it when i was in nyc and it was advertised all over the subway trains. i found it at block buster for five dollars so i bought it. we all watched it as a group and we were freaking out!

it definitely says a lot about how there really aren't any normal families in this world.

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